2-4 days delivery time via a USA warehouse!

Source products from China, ship them to USA warehouse and fulfill order fast!

√ No monthly subscription or credit card required.

2-4 days delivery time via a USA warehouse!

Source products from China, ship them to USA warehouse and fulfill order fast!

√ No monthly subscription or credit card required.

Ready to scale with your top-performing products?

Experience the super fast delivery of USA warehouse

  • 2-4 days delivery time via USPS

  • 100% logistics coverage in the United States

  • Cost-effective warehousing price and professional service

  • USPS tracking numbers

  • Raise customer satisfaction and earn repeat customers

    (300 MOQ)

    (Free storage for 30 days)

  • Ensure on-time delivery during hot selling season

Order a batch of inventory  from frienddropshipping

Transport goods to the United States by sea or air

Start fulfill after goods be put in storage in USA warehouse

FQA of USA warehouse fulfillment

What’s the MOQ to use USA warehouse fulfill orders?

MOQ is 500 for any product. But different styles can be mixed.

How long does it take to transport to the United States

There have 2 options:1.Air shipping way 7-12 days 2.Sea shipping way 25-35 days.

What are the shipping costs?

Customers need to pay the freight of bulk goods to the United States warehouse. After the goods arrive, the dispatch fee is charged separately according to the order.

Are you ready to enjoy super-fast shipping with US warehouse dropshipping?